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Renovation Roadmap Workshop DIY

Do you dream of creating your happy home?

You can have a better and more beautiful home. A place to live with more ease and pleasure.

If starting a home improvement project is on your radar, doing it the right way can be quick and easy... when you know how! Let me show you.

Join me for expert guidance, so you can take control of your home improvement project, and save your time, energy and money on your project journey. 

  • This DIY on-demand training with accompanying workbook can be completed in your own time
  • You can add on a private consultation call for more support if you wish
  • It's only £49, and £5 of this goes to homeless charity Coffee4Craig.

Click here: Yes! I'm ready to take control over my home project!

Imagine feeling...

  • confident knowing exactly where to start
  • prepared for different eventualities
  • excited by your options
  • sure that it will all be worth it for you and your family

Instead right now, you're considering extending your home or making a big upgrade but you're...

  • confused about how to get started
  • worried about what to expect
  • overwhelmed by or unaware of all your options
  • scared by the potential to make a big expensive mistake

As a homeowner, without a construction background, the process can seem complicated, and the risks great. A build project can have a life changing impact on your personal space and finances - both positively and negatively. This makes getting started on a home improvement project daunting to say the least!

You want your project to go smoothly, so at the end you can relax with a cuppa on your comfy sofa in your beautiful space. You want to feel it was all worth it, and watch Grand Designs feeling smug that you skipped out all the painful drama.

Planning your renovation involves lots of decision making.

But making the right choices for you and your family doesn't need to be overwhelming.

Every home improvement project big and small goes through the same stages with very similar choices. When you understand your options and how they relate to your priorities then you can make the right decisions for you quickly and easily.

Projects can easily become derailed when choices are made that were not right for you and your particular requirements. But making the right choices, and getting a solid plan in place, from the outset keeps your project on track and ending in success.

The Renovation Roadmap Workshop is an on demand training with workbook. You can add to this an optional private 1:1 consultation call with me for additional support and to get your project specific questions answered.

In the training you will discover...

  • the three stages of a house extension project,
  • the options available to you,
  • and the three essential elements of managing a construction project,
  • how to avoid the 5 biggest mistakes I see homeowners make

With the accompanying workbook you will create your personal project roadmap, giving you greater clarity and control over your project from the outset.

In the optional add-on consultation call you will get...

  • expert guidance from me to create your personalised renovation roadmap
  • answers to your questions, so you can confidently get your project started
  • support to start your project in control

You get instant access to the training as soon as you sign up. You can enjoy a nice cuppa and a biscuit and watch them all in one - just 46 mins. Or watch them 5-10 mins at a time.

You will prioritise your options, make the right fundamental choices for you, and make sure you have a clear plan in place for your entire project so you know what steps you need to take and how you want to take them.

£5 goes to the homeless charity Coffee4Craig, so you can help those in need to improve their quality of life while you improve yours.

Click here: Yes! I'm ready to take control over my home project!

This is for you if you're considering a home improvement project and, although you want to make progress, starting your project feels overwhelming - it waits in your “Too Hard To Do Pile”.

This is about making the fundamental decisions for your project, planning out and prioritising your project progress, not about design of your space. Getting these decisions right before you start to design will make your design decisions far quicker and easier.

This is not for you if you just want to be told what to do, instead of being empowered to make your own informed decisions.

Dissatisfied UK homeowners stay in homes for 4.4 years on average, after realising their home is no longer right for them or doesn't suit their family's needs, according to a survey in 2021 by Zoopla.

But you don't need to wait nearly 5 years feeling stuck living in a home that isn't satisfactory.

Hi! I'm Jane, an award winning eco-home architect, designing homes that make your heart sing!

Growing up in a Victorian Villa, so cold that in winter frozen condensation decorated the windows, made me passionate about making homes both beautiful and comfortable to live in.

Since founding iarchitect limited in 2009, I've helped well over 100 homeowners redesign their homes and have been featured in Ideal Homes magazine, Manchester Evening News, Liverpool Echo as well as on the BBC research and development podcast, and BBC Radio Manchester.

Will you stop the years of dissatisfaction from slipping by, and get started now with your project?

  • This DIY on-demand training with accompanying workbook can be completed in your own time
  • You can add on a private consultation call for more support if you wish
  • It's only £49, and £5 of this goes to homeless charity Coffee4Craig.

Click here: Yes! I'm ready to take control over my home project!

You can read the kind words said by previous workshop attendees here:


    • This DIY on-demand training with accompanying workbook can be completed in your own time
    • You can add on a private consultation call for more support if you wish
    • It's only £49, and £5 of this goes to homeless charity Coffee4Craig.

    Click here: Yes! I'm ready to take control over my home project!

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